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Mar 16, 2025

Command 17
A 2018 Cherolet Tahoe purchased new and placed in service in 2018. It is outfitted with a touch screen tablet, two 800 MHx radios accessible from front and rear, one VHF radio accessible from front and rear a Rockland custom command zone with wireless headset, command board, white board and tactical sheets and a seperate compartment for gear. Utilized as command post during emergency incidents. |
Engine 17
Purchased new and placed in Service August 2008, the 2008 Pierce Velocity seats 6 firefighters. It has a 2000 GPM Waterous pump, Husky CAFS system, holds 750 gallons of water and 40 gallons of Class A foam. Onboard is a 10 Kw Harrison generator and 2000 feet of 5” LDH hose. It also carries 900’ of 2” hose and 900’ 3” hose. |
Engine 17-1
Purchased in 2013, Engine 17-1 is built on a 2013 Pierce Arror XT Chassis. It has a Cummins ISL 9 450 HP engine with 1250 ft. lbs of torque, 1500 GPM Waterous pump, 680 gallons of water, 40 gallons of Class B foam, 4 Preconnected 1-3/4" hoselines, 1 preconnected 2-1/2" hoseline, Blitzfire deluge gun, 1200 feet of 5" supply hose, 6KM electric generator and Front pump intake. |
Ladder 17
2016 Pierce Arrow XT Ladder with 105' Aerial placed into service in 2017. Truck as a Detroit DD13 525 HP engine with 1859 ft. lbs of torque, 105' aerial with 500lb tip load, 14 ground ladders over 300', Harrison 10 KW electric generator, Three 2-1/2 gallon fire extinguishers, full compleement of forcible entry tools, 6 ventilation saws and 4 ventilation fans. |
Squad 17
2006 Pierce Rescue Pumper on a Dash Chassis. Purchased new and placed in service May 2006, This truck is equipped with the following: 2000 GPM Waterous pump, Husky CAFS (Compressed Air Foam) system with 5 outlets, 750 gallon water tank, 40 gallon foam tank, 10KW Harrison Generator, TAK4, independent Front Suspension, Rear Mounted Ladder Gantry, 12,000 LB Front Mounted Winch, 2000' of 5" LDH Hose, 600' of 3" Supply Line, 1000' of 2" Attack Line, Seating for 8 Firefighters, Holmatro Rescue Tools
Utility 17
A 2008 Ford F-250 super duty crew cab purchased new and placed in service March 2008. It seats 5 personnel. The unit carries traffic control signs, oil dry, portable pumps, and other support items. |